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CFP:第三届信息科学与技术国际学术会议(ICISE 2011)
发布时间:2011-01-23 浏览次数:

第三届信息科学与技术国际学术会议(ICISE 2011)征文已经开始。

The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2011) will be held from Sep.29th to Oct.1st, 2011 in Yangzhou, China.

All papers accepted by ICISE2009 have been indexed by EI Compendex!

Important Dates
    Paper Submission: Jun. 3, 2011
    Conference Date : Sep. 29-Oct.1, 2011

ICISE 2011 Web:

上一条:我院召开2011年计算机基础及应用教学研讨会 下一条:CFP:第七届无线通信、网络技术与移动计算国际会议 (WiCOM 2011)